
To the Chuckles Family. Thank yoiu for all the love, patience and education you have provided Ella with over the years. By far the best centre we have ever been to (and that's saying something as a defence family). We are going to miss you all. From the Woods Family.

To our Chuckles Family. Thank you for being the most wonderful group of people we know. Your kindness and dedicaton doesn't go unnoticed. You are truly the most amazing group of people. From the Sweeney Family

Wow over 8 years at the centre and we are so sad to say goodbye. Parenting 2 children without family here in Oz has been challenging and we couldnt have done it without you all. Both Kyah and Caden have so many amazing memories. Thank you for your kindness, for the hugs at drop off when they were teary and the falls on the playground. Thanks for the support you'be given me as a mum, when I've been teary too. The chats at the office, the advice and support. The amazing activities you set up each day. From the Unsworth Family

Choosing a daycare was not an easy choice. But you made the whole experience so easy. My kids have felt so comforable and have absolutely loved coming here. They think of you like family and I love that! Mason and Willow have had some very close bonds with educators and it warms my heart. Each and everyone of you go above and beyond for the kids and they will remeber you forever. You are also much more than carers, you are the people we trust to watch our kids like we do, and I can 100% say you all do that. Thank you so much. We are going to miss you so much. From the Purkiss family.

To all the wonderful staff at Chuckles, thank you all for being a big part in Aalaia's growth over the last few years. She has enjoyed her time at Chuckes and learnt so much. As she moves into a big transition in her life, I know she will not forget her time, friends or teachers there. Thank you again McLeod Family.

To The Chuckles Crew. Wow! Over 8 years at the centre, and we are so sad to say goodbye. Parenting 2 children without family here in Oz has been challenging, and we couldn't have done it without you all. Both Kyah and Caden have so many amazing memories. Thank you for your kindness, for the hugs at drop off when they were teary, and the falls on the playgorund. Thanks for the support you've given me as a mum when I've been teary to. The chats at the office, the advice and support from the Educators. The amazing activites you set up each day, and all of your hardwork back in the days of Kyah loving Chef Gary's delicious food, to both children loving their time with Gardener Gary too. Thank you all. From the Unsworth Family.

Dear Chuckles Family, thank you for everything you have done for my children over the years. The positive impact you have made on my boys will never be forgotten. Thank you for all you do. Love the Crowley's 

Thank you and every one of your team for all you do for Jonah and the other children. It has been such a joy to have found your centre, after a bad start with a few other centres prior.  I have exchanged stories with many friends with children in daycare, and to this day, still believe Chuckles to be the best in quality based on individual children, in Perth. I hope that Chuckles continues to prosper for many many years and can grow to accommodate more children, as I know many families wanting to join, but as we all know, spots are very full right now. Jonah has always enjoyed his time and everything he has learnt at Chuckles, and although School has the older children he enjoys playing with, he speaks very highly of his daycare Chuckles. Karissa

Thank you so much for being so welcoming and for all of the incredible support during this two week prac. It was an amazing opportunity to be able to work at such a great centre with such amazing values. Amy H (Murdoch University)

Chuckles Team! Thank you all dearly for supporting, guiding, motivating me to be the best educator I can. Especially now I'm finally cert 3. You are all amazing and so helpful, I feel a sense of belonging. Shayla

I would like to thank each and every one of you for all the love and care that you have given to our babies over the years. The daycare chapter has closed for our family, but I'm sure we'll see you around town. All the Best The Kavanagh Family xx

To everyone at Chuckles. There are not enough words to thank you for all you have done for Layla and our family. From the very first day you have shown support and offered an inviting and homely environment in which Layla has thrived. Layla has loved every minute of being in your care and we attribute her charter to all she has learnt at Chuckles. We will miss each and everyone of you. With gratitude Karen, Glen, Layla and Jayde.

To all of the fabulous educators, daycare kids and Gardener Gary. Thank you for putting in such an amazing effort with Oscar an Felix this year. You all go above and beyond every day and we are so appreciative. They both love daycare and have come so far this year with your guidance and care. The Lambert Family.

To all the Chuckles Team. Thank you for taking such good care of Hadley and Henry this year. You're our second family and we appreciate you fitting the kids in when we are stuck. Bri + Cheyne xoxo

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff at Chuckles for all your support and tremendous care given to Jaxson. We know that his experience and confidence gained from being within your centre is going to give him the best start ot his schooling journey. Bridget and Matthew

Dear Chuckles Team. Thank you for the last 6 years of outstanding care and service you have provided for my children. We will miss everyone. From Giselle, Alana and Charlotte.

I just wanted to personally say Thank you. Since putting Nixon into daycare, he has come out of his shell so much. We truly loved picking him up every week and seeing what stories he had to tell us. You should be so proud of yourselves for creating such a lovely environment for childrent to learn and feel safe. I honestly couldn't fault any of your staff. They are all so welcoming and loving. We are all going to miss the beautifull happy faces from Chuckles that we would see every week ( just quietly I think I' a little more sad than he is that he's finished daycare now). We hope to see you again soon. Lots of love Jessica, Nicholas and Nixon.

To the amazing Chuckles team. Well what can I say? You have all been so fantastic. you have put in so much effort and care to support my child throughout this year. She has flourised in your care and achieved beyond my expectations. She has loved her time with you all and will dearly miss you all, as will I. Thank you. Big hugs

Thank you all for your hard work in creating a safe and engaging environment for Nora. She has really loved daycare the last 3 years and will miss you all. Thank you for playing with me. I will miss you all Love from Nora.

A huge thank you to each and every member of the Chuckles team. It has been so special to be apart of the Chuckles family since 2016 and watch Ted and now Abi graduate and move on the the next chaper in their education. Thank you for the positive impact you have in helping our kids grow socially and academically. It has been a huge year for every one and I can honestly say you are an amazing team and we wouldn't have got through it without all your love and support. We can't wait to be back next year. All our love Dani, Karl, Ted, Abi, Alex and Charlie.

To everyone at Chuckles. Thank you for caring and respecting us, playing and protecting us, teaching and preparing us. We really appreciate al your hard work. From Luka & Tori.

You are all amazing always happy, and we are so please that you helped in Jakes upbringing. We could not have asked for a better childcare. From Tracey and Regan.

Thank you for another fabulous year with Paisley. Teaching her new skills and providing her endless opportunities to build on her own personality. I look forward to another great year. Brodie and Paisley.

 I wanted to express how happy we are with the care that Jake is receiving at Chuckles. The care, dedication and passion that we witness every day at morning drop off and afternoon pick up is refreshing  and reassuring. It's always a difficult decision to leave your precious children in care but I already feel that Jake has a special place in the Chuckles family, and is nurtured and appreciated for his individual personality and interests. As a parent I appreciate the organised environment and consistant and detailed communication that we receive. I am always confident with leaving Jake knowing that he will be kindly cared for and nurtured. The activities that Jake  participates in are always interesting, challenging and creative. I am so confident that Jake will thrive and develop with support, compassion and encouragement that he receives from his carers. The atmosphere that you have cultivated in your staff is a credit to you and your team. Thank you for everything that you do :) Sincerely Nikki and James. 

Since the day I first walked into Chuckles with Ava when she was a teeny 5 month old, we have felt a very welcoming sense of family from all staff. This has grown immensely over the past 2 years and we could not wish for better care for Ava. I really don't have enough words to convey just how appreciative we are for all of the amazing people who are a part of the Chuckles family. You all go the extra mile for all of the children and families in your care and for this, we cannot thank you enough. You are all superheroes in our eyes. From the Morgan family xxx

You are all so brilliant at your job, you are always happy, helpful, kind and just lovely. There is such a happiness at Chuckles which is clearly seen. Jake loves Chuckles, you make him feel so wanted, cherished and loved. You teach him so much and I thank you for that. Chuckles is definitely a beautiful place and full of beautiful educators and I am so happy that you were helping to develop Jake's character into the loving, fun and curious little thing that he is. Thank you all. From Tracey.

Although we are new to the centre, we are already so thankful for the warm welcome from the staff, especially the Babies room. Stevie is always so happy and knackered after her day with her new friends both big and small. We are grateful for the time and effort put into meeting the interests and needs of Stevie although she attends just one day. Thank you to the Babies room educators for snuggling, playing and sharing the care of our girl and making us feel comfortable with leaving her while we go to work. From the Jackson family

Thank you all so much for being a part of Sam's life over the last four years. He came to you as a chubby little 11 month old and is leaving you as a nearly 5 year old who is spirited and energetic with a lot of unique mannerisms that make him the Sam we all know. We will all miss you greatly and wish you all the best for the future, both professionally and personally. Kirsty, Craig & Sam

To all the wonderful staff at Chuckles. Thank you all for everything you do for our girls. We always know you go above and beyond and can't thank you enough. Rich, Claire, Ivy & Molly

All we can say is thankyou so much for everthing you've all done in the few years Claire has been with you. We truly appreciate every single staff member and what  you've each contributed to making each day amazing. Thankyou. Claire, Sarah & Pete

To the amazing staff at Chuckles. Thank you for providing such amazing care in a wonderful, safe, happy and family like environment (which we love). We can't quite believe another year has passed. Thank you for helping Layla grow into the (little) bright girl that she is. Karen, Glen & Layla

As a parent, I find it hard to choose any one educator who stands out above the rest. From the minute you walk in the door at Chuckles you can feel the love. You all have your own families, troubles, lives, but not once have I ever seen anything other than smiles on all your faces. Slyla can talk the leg off a chair and everyday (not just day care days) she has at least one moment when she does this about Chuckles. Whether it's talking about the fun she had or what she did or role playing the educators. She does it with so much happiness and this speaks volumes to me. There are times when it's been a challenge to drop Skyla off but there is always someone to comfor her. A lot of us get the 'mum guilts' when our kids are away from us but each and every day I am eased by the reports I'm given and the correspondence through Seesaw. It makes my day so much brighter for me. Sometimes it's not about how you make my kids feel but how you make me feel. We have had and continue to have our struggles and it's so nice that when you come to Chuckles, we as parents are made to feel like friends. I've cried and been handed tissues, I've cried and been hugged, I've winged and just been lent an ear on so manyu occasionns and as a fifo wife, with no family around, I can not tell you how thanful I am for the chats and genuine concern. Getting back to the educators, you are all worth your wight in gold. We can not thank you  enoug for all you do and for loving our children ,ike they are your own. You set a very high bench mark for future years of education, as the standards you set are second to none. At the end of our time at Chuckles, I wish I could send you all on a holiday, to let you feel the relaxation we do, droppin off our kids, knowing that they are in the very BEST hands. Thank you all for your hard work and tireless efforts. No words will ever be enough. Hayley & Mark  

To the wonderful team @ Chuckles. Thank you so much for taking such good care of Lucas whilst he is with you. It's such a good feeling to know he is healthy, happy and safe when we can't be with him. Lucas + Alex + Brocky 

We would like to give our wholeharted thank you to everyone who watched over, fed, cleaned, laughed with, cried with, cuddled, taught and lvoed our baby boy Evan. He is a little rascal most of the time but has a heart of pure joy and you all played a part in raising the gorgeous, smart, funny boy that he is todya. We will be forever thankful to you all for creating an environment where he was able to express himself freely. Big love The Hamiltons 

Thank you all so much for everthing you've done for Claire this year. The care & effort every single person here puts in is what makes the centre such an amazing place. Claire has grown in leaps and bounds and she adores going to daycare everyday. It's never a gight. So thank you all again. Love Sarah, Pete & Claire