Centre Information

Hours of Operation

Chuckles Childcare operates between the hours of 6.30am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.

We are open 51 weeks a year, and will be closed on all public holidays.
Payment is required for all days booked, which includes; holidays, public holidays, absences due to sickness and personal absences. The only exceptions where families are not charged are: the 6 closed days during the Christmas Holidays (25th December to 1st January)..

Family Participation

We welcome adult family members to assist in activities within the classroom during term 2, 3 and 4. These voluntary sessions will be at 9.30am to 11am Monday to Friday or when pre-arranged with management..

Parent Committee

Chuckles Childcare encourages their families to contribute to their child’s learning, by collaborating with management about the education and learning activities provided by the educators. We value the experiences and preferences of our families and invite them to read our policies, procedures and other relevant forms of communications. We value ideas and requests and incorporate them into the Chuckles Childcare environment. Together we can provide an inclusive and supportive childcare centre that, accommodates for; regulated directives, philosophy and pedagogy based decisions and individual choices.

Information Available to Families

Chuckles Childcare offers information and support to all families regarding: Child Health And Safety, the curriculum, documentation, support agencies, environment set up centre management, and all other aspects relating to childcare. Families are welcome to take available brochures which are located in the foyer. Relevant posters and information will be displayed within the foyer and in our community display cabinet.

What to Wear

Please dress your son/daughter in clothing that is comfortable and does not restrict play. Practical lose fitting clothing is best “no overalls/dungarees” as these are difficult during toileting. Chuckles Childcare is a sun smart centre which means all children are required to wear tops that cover their shoulders. Singlets and shoe string sundresses are not permitted. All children should be able to participate in and enjoy the activities on offer, so please do not dress them in their best outfits, they are here to have fun. Our moto is: ‘A dirty kid, is a happy kid’.

All Weather Centre

Chuckles Childcare is an all-weather centre. Children learn through experiences from all different climates and as we promote being a Sun Smart centre we also promote winter fun. Please provide your child with a water proof jacket and gumboots, so they will be able to explore their outdoor environment on light rainy days.